Where Can I Study?
Other Study & Training Options
Workplace training offers learning for people in the workplace. Staff can be trained on the job while they work towards a diploma or certificate. Assessment can be through a registered assessor or off-site with a registered tertiary provider such as a polytechnic, institute of technology or private training establishment. Because the training is work-based, staff study a certificate or diploma relevant to their job.
Modern apprenticeships are work-based education initiatives for 16 to 21 year olds. They allow you to learn a new skill and gain a qualification while working in your chosen career.
Adult and community education classes are usually held in the weekend or as night classes. These can be wide ranging in subject, from professional and technical courses through to interest courses. Often high schools or polytechnic runs this type of education either for free or at a reasonable charge.
There are many tertiary providers in New Zealand and it is important to choose one that best suits your needs. As well as thinking about what courses and qualifications they offer, you might like to consider things like location, accommodation, course costs and your style of learning. To help you with your decision making, here’s a list of links to tertiary providers.
Polytechnics or Institutes of Technology offer both academic and job-focused courses that range from pre-certificate training through to diploma and degree levels. Many polytechnic courses are job-specific and some workplaces require completion of a polytechnic course for advancement in the job.
University courses have an academic focus. Universities offer degrees, diplomas, certificates and postgraduate programmes of study. The most common university programme is the degree. A bachelors degree usually takes at least three years to complete. Degrees can be general, such as a Bachelor of Arts or Science, or focused on a specific vocation, such as a Bachelor of Veterinary Science. A general degree will give you a wide range of skills in research, information gathering and problem solving. Degrees in specific subjects provide these skills and may also lead to work in a specific job or industry.
Private Training Establishments (PTEs) offer courses ranging from pre-certificate level, through to diploma and degree. Some Tertiary Education Commission programmes, such as Training Opportunities and Youth Training, are run through PTEs and prepare students for their first job.
Wānanga deliver educational programmes and opportunities to all New Zealanders within a supportive Maori kaupapa. A strong tikanga Maori environment is provided. Wānanga offer degree, diploma and certificate courses.